Project Partners: Stantec, Kinder Morgan, City of Abbotsford
Project Details
- Supplied invasive plant control and removal, installation of potted native vegetation, installation of Coarse Woody Debris (CWD) habitat features, and construction of protective split rail fencing surrounding compensation area.
- Over 2000m2 of forest enhancement completed; 1600 outplantings installed with 12 CWD features to extend natural buffer along McKay Creek.
- Mechanized invasive species removal and grubbing was completed by excavator allowing precision rhizome control and disposal. All planting and maintenance work completed by hand to ensure safe handling during vegetation installation; potted plants, mulch, irrigation, pruning.
- All supplied materials sourced locally (<50kms) to ensure seed provenance and quick adaptation to site conditions.
- Enhancement of forest edge, structural habitat diversity for resident terrestrial plants and wildlife, and preservation of nesting areas for local birds.